Contact us: specialcollections@weber.edu
We know we could never tell the stories of every single woman in Northern Utah, we would love your help on adding to the history. Fill out this form and tell us about the women who know who have strengthened, shaped and served their communities.
Unfinished Struggle
Northern Utah has always been replete with remarkable women. As community leaders and activists, inventors and entertainers, as mothers, daughters, sisters and partners, northern Utah’s remarkable women serve 24/7 on the front lines of their local and national communities.
By responding creatively to discrimination, stereotypes, and conflicting values northern Utah women have continued to break down social and political barriers to find their voice. Women still fight to have that voice and use their inalienable rights; to participate in America’s founding ideals: the never ending quest for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The stories here touch on issues of access and equality that remain raw and unsettled today. It is important that “we the people” think, converse, and use our voice. We invite you to use the stories of past and present women and men to provoke thinking and conversation that encourage empathy and respect for equality. The 19th Amendment is not a triumphant culmination, but a milestone in a struggle for equal rights for all citizens. One that isn’t over yet.