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We know we could never tell the stories of every single woman in Northern Utah, we would love your help on adding to the history. Fill out this form and tell us about the women who know who have strengthened, shaped and served their communities.

Sarah Elizabeth Anderson was a vocal suffragist in the 1890s. She filed a lawsuit in order to try and cast her vote. Although, the case was lost it helped set the stage for the larger battle to win the right to vote. She was one of three women elected to Utah’s 2nd legislature.

Adaline was an early healthcare provider in Weber County, and for many years the only healthcare professional in the area. She was known to make sacrifices to care for her patients, and for others in her community. Many of her descendants went on to work in medicine, law, business, and government.

Sarah Susannah Garrard was born February 4, 1832, at Diss, Norfold, England. While living in England she received medical training and worked as a midwife. She joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints with her mother, brothers, and sisters. They sailed to America in 1853 then crossed the plains and settled in North Ogden in October of that year. She married Isaiah Campbell in 1854, but was mistreated and obtained a divorce, leaving her with six children.

Martha was married to Frank J. Cannon. She was active in service to the Ogden community. She started the Ogden Charitable organization that was renamed the Martha Society after her passing in 1908.

Mary settled in North Ogden in 1855. She helped to care for her husband's 26 children. She was the first to own a sewing machine. During her service in the Relief Society, she pioneered the project for the production of silk worms for silk making.

Polly Child crossed the plains and arrived in Ogden in 1852. After her husband died that same year, she became a midwife and helped hundreds of children be born. She practiced for over 50 years. She passed away in 1883.

Mary moved to North Ogden from Scotland in 1851. She was credited with naming Mount Ben Lomond after the peak in Scotland. The family was the first to plant wheat in North Ogden.

Emily was born in 1850. In 1869, she moved with her husband to Ogden where she began her public career. She worked in the Relief Society and was president of the Young Ladies' Mutual Improvement Association. She served as president of the Utah Suffrage association. She worked along side Susan B. Anthony. She organized the Utah League of Women Voters and was a Democratic national committeewoman.

Jane was born in New York. By 1834, the family was living in Canada and were visited by Mormon missionaries. The family converted. In 1942, Jane married Franklin D. Richards and moved to Nauvoo. In 1848, the family came across the plains and settled in Salt Lake City. In 1867, Brigham Young asked the family to move to Ogden and start building the Weber stake of Zion. Jane established the Relief Society in Ogden.

Born in England in 1818 where she trained in a maternity hospital and came to Utah in 1862 as a doctor, surgeon, midwife and nurse. She lived in Ogden Valley and brought into the world over 1,500 babies. She charged $3 for delivering a baby. This included tending the new arrival and mother for 10 days. She would take produce or other items. She died in Huntsville in 1895.

Elizabeth was born in Scotland. She married Joseph Stanford and they settled in Ogden in 1868. She served as treasurer of the Ogden City Relief Society, Counselor in the Weber County Silk Association, Counselor and President in the Young Ladies Mutual Improvement Association.